Package: When you subscribe to the platform, you must choose one of the diverse Jadwa packages. This subscription will open the door for you to use the features offered by each package.
Service: This is a paid additional service that is only added to the "Jadwa Plus" package. Here we are talking about other services that require additional fees, not the free services such as the business model and investment proposal.
Additional Free Services: Yes, there are additional free services such as the business model and investment proposal. These services do not require a subscription to any package.
Paid Additional Services: As for the rest of the additional services, you need to subscribe to the "Jadwa Plus" package first, and then you can add the additional services you need for an extra fee.
Jadwa AI Package
تحتوي باقة جدوى AI على الخدمات المميزه والسريعه والدقيقة والتي تعتمد في نتائجها على الذكاء الإصطناعي لتصبح اكثر دقة .
خدمات جدوى الذكاء الإصطناعي :
1 – دراسة لإنشاء نموذج عمل باستخدام الذكاء الاصطناعي، توفر أدوات ذكية لتحليل البيانات وتوليد استراتيجيات فعالة فقط بسعر 19 ريال سعودي بدلاً من 199 ريال, للإشتراك Click Here
2 – دراسة سوق شاملة بإستخدام الذكاء الاصطناعي المتقدم لتقديم تحليل دقيق واتخاذ قرارات مدروسة فقط بقيمة 39 بدلاً من 399..Click Here .
3 – دراسة لإنشاء نموذج استثماري باستخدام AI، توفر تحليلات متقدمة ورؤى ذكية لاتخاذ قرارات استثمارية فعالة فقط بقيمة 59 ريال سعودي بدلاً من 599 ريال . .Click Here .
4 – وقريباً دراسة للتقييم المالي باستخدام AI ، توفر تحليلات ورؤى ذكية لتقدير القيمة المالية واتخاذ قرارات مستنيرة. فقط بقيمة 299 ريال سعودي بدلاً من 2999 ريال .
Note:This package can be used three times only, after which you can renew the subscription again.
نموذج العمل AI فقط 19 Saudi Riyals Instead of 199 SAR including VAT. Click Here to Subscribe
Feasibility Study التمهيديه AI فقط 39 Saudi Riyals Instead of 399 SAR including VAT. Click Here to Subscribe
العرض الإستثماري AI فقط 59 Saudi Riyals Instead of 599 SAR including VAT. Click Here to Subscribe
Note: The consultant recommends that startups begin with Preliminary feasibility study To establish a clear vision and make informed decisions.
Jadwa Lite is a quick and smooth package that gives you impressive and accurate results in just five minutes.
Only for 990 SAR including VAT. Click Here to Subscribe
Feasibility Cloud algorithms rely on the use of precise and practical techniques to analyze data and provide recommendations on the financial feasibility of projects. These algorithms depend on analyzing big data and using mathematical models to determine comprehensive and accurate results.
Only for 2070 SAR including VAT. Click Here to Subscribe
Prepared efficiently by experts to assess the project's ability to sustain itself in the economic market within its field...
Prepare a Professional Feasibility Study for Your Project that Covers All Aspects, Including Strategic Study, Market Analysis, and Team Evaluation...
Innovation is the hallmark of new projects. When preparing the business model, we help you understand the scope of costs, revenues, market, and customers...
We have added a collection of studies and features that help you understand the project and the target market, essentially an information bank...
Helps you identify financial data to assess the project's financial status and assist you in making decisions, thereby achieving the desired goals...
Carefully prepared to help you clearly explain your project to facilitate securing funding or convincing partners to join the project...
If you didn't find the answer to your question, don't hesitate to contact us. We are here to help and answer all your inquiries.
The Leading Platform in Saudi Arabia for Preparing Feasibility Studies, Financial, and Technical Reports
Jadwa Information Technology Company A limited liability company (LLC), commercial registration number 4030429083, located in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Strategic Partner: Value Innovation Consulting All studies are approved by the Ministry of Commerce and Investment and accredited by the International Association of Accredited Small Business Consultants (AASBC).
© 2025 All rights reserved, Jadwa Information Technology Company.